
Thailand: can you get a visa on arrival?

There Thailand, it is obviously the splendid beaches, the colorful landscapes, the proximity to animals, the richness of the culture as well as the superb monuments. We all have this on our bucket list. journey in the land of smiles. Once you have made your decision, it is necessary to find out about the requirements for the Visa in order to avoid hiccups!

Before even focusing on your accommodation and activities, take a moment to draw up a list of documents to provide and, above all, to understand the procedure to follow. In this article, we will answer the question of visa deliverability upon arrival in Thailand.

Traveling to Thailand without a visa

To answer the question, it is possible to have your “ Visa » upon your arrival in the country. Under certain conditions, you will not need specific documents or take any steps before your journey.

Indeed, entry without a visa is only possible if your tourist stay does not exceed the 15 or 60 days for certain nationalities: Andorra, Germany, Andorra, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, South Korea, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Estonia, United States, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.

You will therefore have to provide yourself with a return plane ticket proving your exit from Thai territory before the maximum deadline. Furthermore, your passport must be valid at least 6 months and contain two blank pages. You will simply be entitled to a stamp upon arrival.

These same nationalities can apply for an electronic visa allowing even slightly longer stays (60 to 90 days).

Other nationalities can apply for a visa on arrival without having the option to apply for an e-Visa: Bhutan, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Malta, Mexico, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Russia, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu

Traveling to Thailand with a visa

To get to Thailand and stay there more than 60 days, you are going to need a Visa. However, it is no longer the classic approach which ends with a sticker on your passport. THE Thai ministry has in fact decided to simplify the procedure.

The latter is now carried out completely online. Your request will subsequently be sent by e-mail after acceptance of thethai embassy. THE electronic visa Or e-Visa will then be granted to you. Certain nationals of countries are assisted by an expert throughout the process. Your file will be followed from start to finish: it will no longer be necessary to send the email.

You can of course pay in euros. In the event that your application is rejected, which almost never happens, you can obtain a refund.

TAll pandemic restrictions in Thailand have been lifted. The state of emergency and travel restrictions are therefore no longer relevant: from now on, no need for a vaccination pass or a negative screening test.