
What medications are prohibited for traveling to Thailand?

Are you planning a trip to discover the beauty of Thailand? Do you have long-term treatment? Are you taking medication for a chronic illness and can't stop taking it? With this in mind, it is essential to inform yourself about the procedures in force on this subject. Indeed, you must have a clear idea of the drugs prohibited on Thai soil in order to avoid any problems with law enforcement officials.

We inform you that a specific law, BE 2545-2002, is in force with regard to medicines whose formula contains psychotropic substances or narcotics. To find out more, read on.

Stay in Thailand with medical treatment: narcotics

While consulting the list of narcotics prepared by the Narcotics Control Division, check if any of the elements present in this document are used in the formulation of your medicine. If this is the case, please note that the authorized period of use should not exceed one month. Additionally, be sure to bring your pill box in its original packaging. It is important to note that there is two possibilities :

Category 2 drug

If the treatment you are taking is part of the second category, you must at this time ask for permission to bring them to Thai territory. You must submit your request within 2 weeks before your trip. If you do not follow this instruction, it will be impossible to bring this medicine with you. Don't expect to be an exception since the procedures are strict.

Medicine belonging to another category

If after checking, you realize that your medicine is not category 2, there is no alternative to consider: it is strictly forbidden to bring it. When landing at Bangkok airport, head towards the red customs exit in order to declare your medication to the relevant department.

Bringing medication when traveling to Thailand: psychotropic drugs

Just as with narcotics, there is a list to consult for psychotropic drugs. Likewise, the permitted duration of use remains the same, or 30 days. Also, you must not forget the original packaging.

We can distinguish two cases. If you are taking a category 1 medication, you will not be allowed to bring it with you. On the other hand, those who belong to categories 2, 3 and 4 are tolerated provided you provide a prescription from your attending physician. This document must contain the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • The disease for which this treatment was prescribed
  • The name of the medication(s) and the reasons justifying their indication for your case
  • The indicated dosage
  • The overall quantity of medications in your prescription
  • Complete contact details of your doctor

By respecting this approach, you will not have to declare your medications with the customs service upon your arrival.

Bringing medicine for a stay in Thailand: other cases to consider

If the medications you are taking are not classified as controlled substances, it is then possible to refer to the law BE 2510. In this situation, you have the possibility of bringing your treatment with you provided that the quantity is sufficient only for a maximum of 30 days.

However, you should know that this type of medication is the responsibility of the Drug Control Bureau. So, do not hesitate to contact this authority by email at [email protected]. We also recommend that you place the address of the Food and Drug Administration, [email protected], in copy of your email.