
When to apply for a visa for Thailand?

Thailand is undoubtedly one of the best tourist destinations in the world. You should know that obtaining a visa depends on compliance with a large number of rules and administrative procedures. These also relate to when you submit your application.

When should you apply for a Thailand visa?

There is only one golden rule to follow: to apply for a visa for Thailand, you must do it in advance. It means that THE urgent requests are impossible. The Thai Embassy, in this context, advises to formulate your visa request at least 3 months before the day of your arrival. If you are unable to do so, you can begin the procedures at least 1 month before arrival in Thailand. Beyond that, you risk having to postpone your trip due to consular delays.

A question of organization

In fact, this allows the Thai authorities to better organize their consular services and those provided within its embassies. In this way, it becomes possible to satisfy travelers' requests on time, without overflow.

On the other hand, it is recommended not to file your visa application at the end of the week or during holidays in force in Thailand. The trick is simple: remember to do it as early as possible. In addition, for your part, this will save you unnecessary stress, which will allow you to prepare all the documents required to constitute your visa application file for Thailand.

What type of visa do you need to travel to Thailand?

Knowing how to prepare your visa request in advance is a good thing, but you also need to know the type of residence permit you need. To find out, you need to define the purpose of your trip and its duration. Is it for work that you are going there? Or is it just your vacation?

Remember that your age matters too. In fact, the Thai authorities have put in place a specific visa intended for people of over 50 years old. It is a 5-year residence permit that can be extended.

How many days will your stay last?

As we have just seen, the type of visa depends on the length of your stay in Thailand. So, if you plan to spend more than 60 days, you'll need O, B and ED visas which are intended for travelers who wish to visit family, work or participate in humanitarian missions.

If you plan to stay less than 60 days in the kingdom, a short-stay visa should then be sufficient. You just have to try to respect the duration granted to you as part of your visa, otherwise you will be subject to sanctions !

When should you go to Thailand?

Choosing the right time to submit your visa application is therefore essential, but that’s not all. It is also important to choose the time of year when you want to visit the kingdom. The climate, in this vein, is an essential factor. It is tropical in Thailand, especially since it changes depending on the region you plan to visit. In fact, there are two seasons that punctuate the year in this destination.

The rainy season

This extends from May to November. The rainy season in Thailand is characterized by heavy and torrential rains, but they do not last long. On the mercury side, the values are not high, but the climate remains mild. It happens, in fact, that temperatures exceed 30 degrees. Other important data: the atmosphere is rather humid, which makes it rather heavy. The rainy season, in terms of tourism, is the low season.

The dry season

The dry season in Thailand, for its part, is extending from December to April. It’s vacationers’ favorite time of year. In fact, precipitation is rarer and the air is much less humid. Temperatures, for their part, are between 33 and 36 degrees on average. If we take all this information into account, we recommend that you go to Thailand in January, February or December. However, if you want to avoid the peak season and high flight ticket prices, the rainy season should suit you. Below is an update on average temperatures in Thailand month by month:

  • January: 33 degrees / 28 degrees for sea water
  • February: 33 degrees / 29 degrees
  • March: 34 degrees / 29 degrees
  • April: 36 degrees / 30 degrees
  • May: 35 degrees / 30 degrees
  • June: 34 degrees / 30 degrees
  • July: 33 degrees / 30 degrees
  • August: 33 degrees / 29 degrees
  • September: 33 degrees / 29 degrees
  • October: 33 degrees / 29 degrees
  • November: 33 degrees / 29 degrees
  • December: 32 degrees / 29 degrees