{"id":2143,"date":"2023-03-21T11:47:53","date_gmt":"2023-03-21T10:47:53","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.gotothailand.asia\/?p=2143"},"modified":"2023-07-03T11:22:19","modified_gmt":"2023-07-03T09:22:19","slug":"depassement","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.immithai.com\/en\/article\/exceeding\/","title":{"rendered":"What happens if I overstay my Thai visa?"},"content":{"rendered":"

For one reason or another, it happens that we exceed the legal duration of stay granted by a country within the framework of a tourist visa - or other -. Regulations vary depending on the country in question. What about Thailand? There is a set of rules, but also sanctions that you need to know before going there. Of course, it is entirely possible to rectify the situation on site by extending, for example, the duration of your stay according to legal procedures. Explanations.<\/p>\n

What are the risks if you overstay your visa for Thailand?<\/h2>\n

Before leaving for Thailand, you should know that the country does not mess around with the law and legal procedures relating to visas. On the Thai embassy website, it is clearly mentioned: \u201cyou must strictly respect the length of stay and the types of activities corresponding to your visa. Offenses, such as exceeding the authorized length of stay [\u2026] result in sanctions such as fines\u201d<\/em>, we can read there. Please note that the fine provided for in the event of exceeding the 90-day visa period is progressive<\/strong>. In fact, each day spent in violation in the country increases this fine. It is of the order of 500 THB per day<\/strong>, which is equivalent to approximately 13 €<\/span>.<\/strong><\/p>\n

What are the sanctions provided for?<\/h3>\n

In addition to financial penalties, you even risk the ban on entering Thai territory<\/strong> in case of exceeding the authorized duration of the visa. If you report to the competent authorities of your own free will, the penalty is reduced. However, if you are arrested, you must expect a ban on entry. 10 years<\/strong>. Below are the details of the penalties you risk suffering:<\/p>\n